Since the merger of the band, the band has been wearing a mixture of different tartans in their kilts. At first it was dominated by the Sutherland tartan, previously worn by the City of Denver Pipe Band, and the Weathered MacLean of Duart tartan previously worn by members of the Isle of Mull/St Andrew Pipes and Drums. Then to get a look of more deliberate intention, people started wearing their personal kilts which were often family tartans.
Realizing that the band was going to need to buy kilts anyway, and because many existing kilts were in poor repair, it was decided that a new tartan would be selected to put a final stamp on the merger.
The band started a deliberate search for a new tartan in November 2009. A committee was formed to comb through the hundreds of different tartans, variations, and such. They finally whittled it down to 3 tartans which the entire band voted on. The winner was the Modern MacCallum. It is perhaps fitting that the motto of Clam MacCallum is ”In Ardua Tendit” which translates into English as ”He Has Attempted Difficult Things”. This could refer to the whole process of merging two bands, as well as the undertaking of playing in a bagpipe band.